This walk was discovered by Cyril one Sunday when I was in London. It starts at Polesden Lacey and, for a while, follows the route of another walk going across Effingham Golf course. But, instead of looping back, it continues onwards to Effingham Village and Little Bookham. I had never been there before. I loved the unusual butchers window display and the ancient Yew tree but the highlight was going into the church where we saw these beautiful angels.
We start and finish at Polesden Lacey which gives us a chance to share a lunch at their excellent cafe.
This is an easy walk with very little incline and mostly broad, level paths. As we are on top of the downs there are many views over London and sweeping vistas.
Start at: 10am on March the 16th
At: Polesden Lacey Car Park
Distance: 5 Miles
Notes: No steep inclines. We will stop to have a look at Effingham Church and there is a loo there. Polesden Lacey is free to National Trust Members but you will need to pay if you are not a member. Everyone needs to get a ticket from the machine.